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Old 10-17-2006, 05:45 PM
kinook kinook is online now
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Here is the response from the vendor of the SMTP component we use:

"The error is exactly what's indicated: the server is aborting the connection. It could be a firewall issue, or it could be that something was changed in terms of configuration where it's no longer accepting connections from that client (based on its IP address). The first thing I'd recommend is if they are running any anti-virus or firewall software is to disable it and see if that resolves the problem. Aside from that, there's no way to tell what is causing the problem, it's something that the mail server administrator would have to look into. One other possibility, on the server side of things, is if they're using any kind of "blacklist" service (SpamCop, etc.) that can be used to reject connections from clients based on IP address blocks. If your customer somehow found themselves on one of these lists that the mail server is using, then that could be the problem."
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