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Old 10-30-2006, 09:16 AM
mvermeulen mvermeulen is online now
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VisBuildCmd Error in 6.2

I have started getting an error when running VBP as a scheduled task as opposed to running VisBuildPro.exe directly. It seemed to start about the time I updated one of my build servers to 6.2.

The error occurs when running the step below.

<step action='Run Program'>
<command>%doscmd% subst B: /D</command>
<continueonfail type='11'>-1</continueonfail>
<indent type='3'>1</indent>
<name>Delete Development Drive Mapping</name>
<outputfrom type='3'>1</outputfrom>

The result of the step is below. I have it checked to continue after failure but it terminates at this point on will not continue on.

<step action='Run Program' type='0' start='10/30/2006 9:12:41 AM'>
<name>Delete Development Drive Mapping</name>
<output><![CDATA[Invalid parameter - B:

Process completed with exit code 1
<status code='1'>Failed</status>

Again, I can bring the GUI up and run this successfully.

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