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Old 11-01-2006, 04:45 AM
UltraUser UltraUser is online now
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Join Date: 10-31-2006
Posts: 25
Problem with Internal Browser (Proxy?)

Hello there,

I think I have the same issues as sobko reported.
- Unable to navigate using UR's internal browser
- Unable to copy web pages into UR

This only happens for external sites. Intranet sites are okay. Where I work, a corporate script is used in IE to configure the proxy.

I could see that a defect was fixed in version 2.0a related to honoring the scripted proxy settings. I didn't test this version of UR - I'm using the latest 2.0e.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there a (hidden) setting somewhere to override the proxy settings (as commonly encountered with so many other software around)?

Many Thx,

PS: Kudos and thanks for your product, it's really great.
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