Thread: Date formatting
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Old 11-01-2006, 02:03 PM
Ortwin Ortwin is online now
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Date formatting

Besides other things I use UR to track sales activities - I want to collect all related activites for one customer in one place.
One step here is taking call notes: in a special subfolder I want to create an item for every call (phone call, visit, whatever). Title should be the date. In the subfolder notes should be sorted chronologically.

Here it starts: Inserting a new item with ALT-Z works great. But ALT-Z takes the standart windows formatting for a short date. If I take that format (here in Germany DD.MM.YY) i won't get a properly sorted list. Changing that to YY.MM.DD, so that the sorting works, rendered my windows quite unusable: every program which uses a date (like Explorer e.g.) uses the short form and is not readable any more ;-(

Therefor I need the possibility to format the date-string ALT-Z uses in a special way, which means I'd like to have the possibility to define a formatting string of my own in Tools->Options->Miscellaneous.
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