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Old 11-02-2006, 04:38 AM
UltraUser UltraUser is online now
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Join Date: 10-31-2006
Posts: 25
Hello Kevina,

Thanks for your reply. Couple of answers:

1) The version I was referring as having a patch for proxy settings is 2.0a (not 2.0d). The post is here:
Although I don't know if this fixes my problem.

2) The script. As I said
"This only happens for external sites. Intranet sites are okay. Where I work, a corporate script is used in IE to configure the proxy."
I don't have access to it, but I guess this is the kind of corporate script with settings only meaningful internally. It contains addresses of internal proxy server. What do you want to do with it from outside?

3) Just to clarify (your clarification isn't clear enough to me;-): does UR have proxy settings specific to it, that are editable by us users?

Many thanks in advance for your help

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