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Old 12-16-2003, 05:50 PM
ShaneJimmerson ShaneJimmerson is online now
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Join Date: 12-12-2003
Posts: 19
We have a mixture of VB, VC6, VC7 and we are starting to get into C#.

We generally have one main binary file which is generally the main executable for the application that we use to keep track of the version history for the entire product. If we need to compile a change in the main binary file, we will increment both the build (3rd) number and the revision (4th) number which indicates that there was a change in the main binary file and a change in the product as a whole. Basically, the build number in the main binary file is always incremented if the revision number is incremented. If another component or file is changed but the main binary file does not change, we still increment the build number in the main binary file, which indicates that there was a change to the product but we do not increment the revision number so we know that the main binary file did not change (other than the version number).
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