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Old 11-16-2006, 07:31 PM
bkonia bkonia is online now
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Join Date: 11-23-2004
Posts: 98
"Postpone Until" Option

I use UR extensively for managing my task list. I create searches to filter the task list according to Begin Date, Due Date, etc... Currently, it's a bit of a pain to reschedule tasks, because I have to go to the calendar, figure out the exact date I want to reschedule the task to, insert the date, etc... It's a lot of extra steps and wasted time thinking about dates.

It would be great if UR had a "Postpone Until" right-click context menu option. When the user selects this option, a submenu would popup with choices such as:

* Tomorrow
* Next Week
* One Week from Now
* Next Month
* One Month from Now

When a user postpones an Info Item, UR would automatically set the the appropriate "Begin Date" attribute for the Info Item. If the Info Item doesn't already have the "Begin Date" attribute, it would automatically add that attribute to the Info Item.

By the way, this feature is present in Outlook 2007 and having previously used Outlook to manage my task list, I definitely miss having this feature in UR.
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