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Old 11-25-2006, 10:23 AM
jpmnh jpmnh is online now
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Join Date: 11-23-2006
Location: NH
Posts: 10
As a new user I found it confusing(ok frustrating) to drag an email from outlook 2007 into UR pro, have the msg visible but not being able to click on the attachment in the header line "Attachments: foo.pdf"

I was equally surprised to see the pdf was indexed (yeah!) but stumbled onto this when the mail msg kept showing up on some test searches I was doing, but I couldnt find the text in the email til the lightbulb went off and I realized it was in the pdf which I couldnt see in UR..

It would be very nice to be able to click on the attachment and view it.

Personally I think having the attachments created as child nodes feels more intuitive, but I'm still getting my arms around all the things UR can do...
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