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Old 11-26-2006, 06:32 PM
jpmnh jpmnh is online now
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Join Date: 11-23-2006
Location: NH
Posts: 10
I'm playing with the GTD template to get it to how I do things. I'm thinking I want a "Limit search to children of the current search item" -- but I dont see how to do it...

I'm using a layout like this:
Home search
|_Inside search
| |_Task1
| |_Task2
| |_Task3
|_Outside search
| |_Task1
| |_Task2

Where Home search, Inside search and Outside search are all searches to find next action tasks from their respective points in the tree down. So Home finds everything in Inside and Outside. Inside finds only tasks under Inside, and Outside finds only tasks under outside...
I dont see how to do this without adding another placeholder layer to the tree, as the only choices appear to be "search everything" or "limit search to siblings of the current search item"; So my current scheme with the extra layer looks like this:

| |Home search
| |Inside
| | |Inside search
| | | |_Task1
| | | |_Task2
| | | |_Task3|
| |Outside
| | |Outside search
| | | |_Task1
| | | |_Task2

Is there a way to avoid this extra layer and just do a "limit search to children of this item"?
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