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Old 12-07-2006, 04:30 AM
Francois Francois is online now
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Join Date: 12-06-2006
Posts: 2
VersionInfo in Delphi builds

I am still evaluating VisualBuildPro so maybe my question is a little silly, but I have trouble getting the version info for my Delphi builds right.

Firstly, I use Team Coherence for the version management and our rule here is that only source (.PAS, .DPR and .RC) are placed under version management. This is to prevent programmers from booking in config or machine generated files that may alter the build outcome.

I compile my resource (*.RC) files first and want to use VisualBuildPro to manage the build number (file version number). Somehow VisualBuildPro also modifies the ProductVersion and changes this to Should I rather try to increment the build number myself?
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