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Old 12-30-2006, 09:08 PM
jschrot jschrot is online now
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Join Date: 08-10-2005
Posts: 26
How can I open a specific urd-file with Launchy?

How do I have to specify the path in launchy.xml to direct launchy to save a webpage in a specific urd-file?

Inserting the following into launchy.xml works fine:
<command>%ProgramFiles%\UltraRecall\UltraRecall.ex e</command>
<arguments>"C:\web.urd" /importdup</arguments>

But if I specify a different path with empty spaces in the pathname like "C:\Eigene Dateien\Texte und Schaubilder\web.urd" it doesn't work. Neither does the following path: "C:\Eigene%20Dateien\Texte%20und%20Schaubilder\web .urd", which yields the error messge:

Error opening database "C:\Eigene%20Dateien\Texte%20und%20Schaubilder\web .urd": File doesn't exist.

Can anybody tell me please what the correct pathname is?
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