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Old 01-13-2007, 07:35 AM
pawe pawe is online now
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Join Date: 12-27-2006
Posts: 40
Toolbar Elements Saving Issue

I think there is an bug about customizing/saving toolbars in Ultrarecall Pro v. 2.0e:
In some circumstances UltraRecall seems not to remember toolbar visibility settings, toolbar positions, and/or changed toolbar elements.

I could reproduce this problem in the following setting:
0) Ultrarecall options set to load only in systray, close to systray. 2 databases are active
1) Start Ultrarecall: UR is loaded only in systray, 2 databases loaded.
2) Menu "customize...": changed/added/deleted some toolbar elements/toolbar positions, via drag/drop.
3) closed UR windows via the "x" close button: UR goes to systray.
4) closed UR in the systray via its menu point ("exit").
5) restarted UR: Changes made in toolbars were not saved or only partly saved.

I did NOT see this problem when closing each database before closing UR main window.

Oddly, when experimenting with different layouts, toolbar changes in each layout were saved, except in Layout1, which was opened when loading and also before closing Ultrarecall)

I did not test if it is related to some custom options (UR closing to systray,...?) or to the opening of multiple databases.
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