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Old 01-15-2007, 11:07 PM
$bill $bill is online now
Registered User
Join Date: 09-14-2006
Posts: 210
Is it possible for the search value (actionable date) to be linked to the current date each time I open the saved search,

or do I have to manually update the value and refresh the search each day?

The key is the box labeled "Store dates relative to current date".

Try an advanced search with the Item/attribute of "Actionable Date", the comparison "less than or equal to", the Value - put a check in the value box with todays date and check the box labeled "Store dates relative to current date".

And if you want to include tasks that don't have an "Actionable Date" set at all you need to add an addition line with OR "Actionable Date" equals and the Value blank (uncheck the box in the value field).

Harder to explain, than to do...
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