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Old 01-17-2007, 01:20 PM
danson danson is online now
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Join Date: 01-10-2006
Posts: 96
Originally posted by kinook
Copy/paste within the UR tree *does* create a logical link by default (except when pasting to a location that linking isn't allowed [for instance, onto an item's parent]). Use Ctrl+Shift+V to force paste a copy instead of link.

We'll consider that.

excellent =)

So you mean dropping onto a search result would link the dragged items to the item being dropped on? That is not a bad idea (it would be a different behavior than drag/drop into that pane when showing child items [which links to the parent], but could be useful). For now, you could copy, search, double-click the search result, and then paste.
As in you can right click and drag to a search item result. It would then tell you if you want to move, copy, link etc so that it becomes linked as a child of that item.

I suppose you could have it so that linking as a sibling of that item is an option (eg if you held down shift as well).

Your final suggestion above, however, works well for now. Thank you.
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