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Old 01-19-2007, 02:08 PM
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surely you meant 1GB of RAM ;-)

I'm wondering why do you have just single monster item. Does your thoughts revolve around one single idea? Can it be a little bit structured? I'm sure it can

The name you gave it, "brain dump diary" reminds me of one soft I was evaluating, hope UR admin doesnt mind:

It is very nice, and presents data (your thoughts) in a non-linear way, but I eventually ended up buying UR, the attributes thing is soooo powerful. But the fact that one can link the items in UR as one pleases would allow to do the same thing in UR. It could be just another window with this cool dynamic navigation (as opposed to the dull tree navigation we are used to), and you could place it just like any other window anywhere in your layout. What do you think admin?
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