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Old 01-20-2007, 05:17 AM
luke luke is online now
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Join Date: 09-11-2006
Location: London
Posts: 36
Ah yes I meant 1GB.

Yeah I'm aware of the thebrain. I'm aware of every single piece of software in this niche - trust me on that. The complaint with that tool was that it shows the "here and now" but not the "overview" at the same time. So you can get lost. Not what I wanted.

I use this single item as the "input buffer" if you like. Lots of thoughts go intially into here. I write as I think and I think better and more clearly when I write. So I can take wooly ideas and turn them into actions through this process.

A percentage of ideas don't stand the test of time. The few that do get filed in a special items for continued use.

Its kind of like an initial brain dump in prose. This has worked well for me for years.

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