Thread: Slow?
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Old 01-22-2007, 03:03 PM
magwo magwo is online now
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Join Date: 01-19-2007
Posts: 7
The Process files step isn't exceptionally slow - the problem is the time it takes VBP to complete a step (the overhead) - pretty much any step. I estimate that it takes about 200-300 milliseconds to complete common steps in VBP. This is ridiculous, as corresponding operations in Python or other script languages probably would take less than a single millisecond to complete.

As an illustrative example: Let's say we have 200 files that need to be processed. And we do the build process 15 times with different variables each run. Each file in Process files results in two steps in VBP (iteration and the actual operation). 0.25 seconds*2*200*15 = 25 minutes, which is unacceptable. I estimate that the corresponding operations done in python would complete in a few seconds tops.

Us sending you the build script and related files would not clarify things - as it is the inherent overhead of the per-step execution of VBP that is the actual performance problem.
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