Thread: Slow?
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Old 01-23-2007, 09:21 AM
magwo magwo is online now
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Posts: 7

when we run the build script from the console with logging ENABLED, it runs about three times faster than in the GUI (16 seconds vs 49 seconds). So the major bottleneck is the GUI stuff, which is responsible for approximately 2/3 of the time needed to complete a step - not the multi-threaded extensible scripting environment.

Disabling logging for our console build has very minor effects on the build time.

However, I am glad that your are acknowledging this problem. I believe you need a feature in VBP that could gray out the steps that are currently iterating, and only update the GUI if the iteration halts. That way, the steps could be performed in a tight loop without theneed to perform time-consuming redrawing of GUI elements.
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