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Old 01-26-2007, 06:45 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Originally posted by Viggo
What time frame are we talking about then? Before the summer 2007?
We can't provide any estimates on that yet.

Do you have any ideas on how this functionlaty will be implemented. I find a strong need for flagging of objects/records being opened in edit mode, and force read-only mode for all others attempting to open same data (with indicator - pref. showing who is editing)

It would be real nice with a user ident and user logon, but using the workstation network/windows logon will be fine too.
We're thinking along these lines for starters: No separate login (use the Windows username to identify); only allow one user to edit item at once (all others open read-only with some indicator of who is editing); auto-refresh on change by another user; per-user global settings.

I must add that we are very happy the functionality in Ultra Recall and it seem to be in a class by itself for handling a variety of information formats/types very well, compbined with powerful keywording and searching. It looks like a tool where there is a lot to learn. Have you considered a video demo (camtasia?) showing how to become a poweruser fast? ;-)
Thanks for the positive feedback. There are some demos at
and we hope to add more in the future. Some other resources that may be helpful:
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