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Old 01-28-2007, 12:51 AM
steveso steveso is online now
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Originally posted by quant
[B]exactly where you would expect it: options->import

From help:
"Insert imported items at selected item in Data Explorer tree":
If checked, new imported items will be added as children to the selected Info Item in the Data Explorer Pane. If not checked, new imported items will be added as children to the Imported Items system Info Item.
Thanks for the reply. I actually did see that, but it seemed rather vague (at least to me) and in my version, the "Import" tab says "Insert imported items at *bold* item in Data Explorer tree".

As it wasn't selected at the time, it wasn't bolded, and well, I just didn't make the connection.

Anyway, thanks for the help, and it is now selected, bold and working the way I was hoping!

Take care,

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