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Old 02-12-2007, 07:55 PM
igoldsmid igoldsmid is online now
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Join Date: 11-18-2004
Posts: 228
active links in custom form fields

First of all - I have to say I am positively knocked out by the now accumulated features and functions of V3 - completely transcends any other tools of a "like kind"...

I realize that when you paste a web link - and presumably a ur:// link (haven't tested yet) into a string attribute - you can open the short-cut to the link target via the right click menu. What would be fantastic is that when the text string is a link - to a local file, or a web page, or another UR Item, and when such attribute value is added in a field of a Custom Form - that the string, when it is a valid uri/url link, can be activated in the custom form field itself so you can just click on it to navigate to the link target... In other words it will show up as an active link in the form field in the usual manner (blue, underlined).

Wow! That would be phenomenal..


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