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Old 02-14-2007, 12:06 PM
Dave_Novak Dave_Novak is online now
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Join Date: 04-13-2006
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 64
Problem using Vault

I am using the latest version of VBP (6.2a) and the latest version of Vault (3.5.1). When I have my Vault database configured as localhost, VBP decides it does not need to enter the vault -host option. Vault, however, does not like this and fails with:

Please specify -user, -password, and -host.
<result success="no" />

I verified from the command line that if I simply add a -host localhost to the command string produced by VBP, all is fine.

I could add the -host option to all of my Vault commands, but this is really something that VBP should be doing for me.

Last edited by Dave_Novak; 02-14-2007 at 12:18 PM.
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