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Old 02-14-2007, 01:10 PM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
It would probably be better if Vault.exe assumed localhost if not specified, since not all commands accept a -host flag. We'll add to our list to pass -host localhost (for commands that require it) if not specified in the action itself.

For now, you can add a temporary Run Script action (VBScript) to your project and rebuild it to change all Vault steps with a blank Host field to 'localhost':

' change all blank Host fields on Vault steps to localhost
For i = 0 To vbldStepCount-1
  For Each objStep In Application.Project.Steps(i)
    If objStep.Action = "Vault" Then
       If Len(objStep.Property("Host")) = 0 Then
         objStep.Property("Host") = "localhost"
      End If
    End If
Alternatively, you could update the Host property to a macro reference (i.e., "%VAULT_SVR%") and create a project macro with that name and a value of localhost (to make it easier to point your project to another server if needed in the future).
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