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Old 02-16-2007, 04:35 PM
jdavidi jdavidi is online now
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Thanks for the reply!

Yeah, the two machines are trying to update one of my global macros each time an interative script is run, and while the probability is low that they execute the global script (where the global macro is getting set) simultaneously, there's still a few seconds of exclusivity in there I guess.

For this weekend's build run, I'm going to try to split said global macro in 2 (one for each machine) and also assign a temporary macro (named after the original global) with the same value so each machine can work with its own copy. I still need both machines to use the same macros file, as version comparisons constantly take place across the 2 machines, but I'm hoping that now that the machines won't be going after the same EXACT macro that this will reduce the chance of the lock even further.

Is this plausible, or is the fact that 2 machines are trying to update the overall macros file (as opposed to the same macro in the file) still make the overall process prone to locks?
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