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Old 02-18-2007, 12:57 PM
janrif janrif is offline
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UR's weakest link

I think the weakest linki in Ultra Recall is the difficulty getting data into the program -- this includes beta 3. And I don't see this addressed in the roadmap.

Here's what I mean. If a user is clipping data from program x, user then has to call UR & paste it in a logical place. Failing that & using the automated clipping mechanism, the data could end up anywhere & the user then has to go into UR to move it to an appropriate place in the outline or in a different UR DB.

Several programs including Zoot, Ariadne, ADM & others have designed methods whereby the user clips, goes to the systray or some kind of floating icon & is able to select the db &/or the topic in which to drop the data.

IMO the easiest, most sophisticated of these mehtods is in ADM (can't vouch for current developement) followed immediately by Zoot which is currently being transitioned from 16 to 32 bit.

Given UR's sophistication in other areas, I hope the developers address this weak link.
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