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Old 02-18-2007, 07:21 PM
$bill $bill is online now
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Join Date: 09-14-2006
Posts: 210
I have just spent the past several months consolidating my collected stuff into UR from Ecco, ADM, Zoot, Paradox, Access, Outlook, Excel, Quattro, Palm as well as saved mht, html, text, and word files. I would report just the opposite- getting information into (and out of) is one of UR’s great strengths – I found getting information into UR reasonably streamlined and remarkably glitch free!!

That said...I acknowledge that you are offering a good suggestion regarding refinement of the clipping mechanism. Once I was quite fond of the zooter and the collector (ADM) and your post caused me to reflect on why I haven’t really missed them upon moving to UR. I do make extensive use of the automated clipping mechanisms (Launchy in Firefox, toolbar in Outlook & IE, right-click send to, Ctl+c/Win+v) and avoid what you refer to as “the data could end up anywhere” by leaving the destination as the Import Folder (default); however I do occasionally send it to the wrong data file and would welcome a mechanism to set a default location/database for importing data by these methods. Now instead of dragging to the collector in ADM, I drag to the UR icon, pause- UR comes to the fore, and I drop into the appropriate place in UR. For my work flow, this has worked even better than the collector.
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