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Old 02-21-2007, 06:40 AM
janrif janrif is offline
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Originally posted by quant
Dont agree, quite on the contrary, I think it cannot be more straightforward. Straight after you pick something, the arrows appear, and when you get to another window, another four way arrow appears. By pointing to the arrow you can see your's pane/window new-to-be location (shaded), and that's it ...
I see the four arrows but the problem for me is the pane doesn't stick. Then there are other things as well. For example at one point I had the calendar at the bottom as a tabbed pane to children. The calendar pane showed 3 months -- makes sense -- but then it disappeared & I can't duplicate it again. Despite all the moving symbols, I still find it all a little mysterious. Sometimes a dbl click helps the process. Maybe you can explain exactly how you do it. Thank you.
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