Thread: sort by date?
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Old 02-23-2007, 03:23 PM
edmond edmond is online now
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Join Date: 05-25-2006
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sort by date?

Hi there,
I am an enthusiastic user of Ultrarecall, after trying several other PIMs. I use it to back up and index my emails from Thunderbird, but I do not manage to order them according to the Item Attribute "Message date" in the tree view.
Is there any possibility to have a tree view ordered/filtered according one or several Item Attributes? I think something in the style of MyInfo PIM .... It would be a valuable improvement, in the case it is not already there

On a different line, some time ago in the forum it was mentioned about a future SDK kit or scripting possibilities for Ultrarecall. Any progress in this direction? I would love to be able to access for instance in Lua the database and process some items...
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