Thread: sort by date?
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Old 02-27-2007, 08:38 AM
janrif janrif is offline
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Re: sort by date - child pane

Originally posted by edmond
[snip] I would prefer to have a general view of all emails sorted by date, directly visible at tree level for all mail folders. [/snip]
I don't know how you have your email outline set up but, let's say it's by the month, i.e. all emails from Jan, Feb, etc.
You can rename those folders in the tree w dates, i.e. 0107, 0207, 0307 & then sort that branch.

Otherwise I don't know what UR would sort on unless you could add columns to the tree view so you could parse creation date, etc to columns then sort on that. The only programs that I know that can do that is zoot

Zoot is being converted to 32 bit & doesn't have RTF or other bells & whistles but is an amazing data gathering program.

ADM comes close but I can't recommend ADM (although I am a user) because the developers are now in China & not talking to the rest of the world, i.e. no road map, no tech support, etc but the last version they put out was quite talented.

OTOH, I've found Kyle is very inventive & UR is quite sometimes not such obvious ways so there may be another method so it may be possible & I just don't know how to do it.

And not to be disrespectful to Kyle & UR, but MyInfo allows user to create columns connected to the tree. You might look @ that product by Milenix. Also check out the roadmap.

Last edited by janrif; 02-27-2007 at 08:48 AM.
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