Thread: sort by date?
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Old 02-27-2007, 01:36 PM
Ortwin Ortwin is online now
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Join Date: 10-24-2006
Location: Germany
Posts: 8
Date sorting of strings only works when you use a format like
YYMMDD e.g. 070227 or YYYY.MM.DD e.g. 2007.02.27 . This is not so easy to read ;-) but works.

I use UR to track my customer data base and my activities, means my call notes. So I have a folder for call notes and create new ones with Alt-Z. Works great, but since UR takes the standard date format of the OS, I had to change that since it differs from the local date format here in Germany.
No I can hardly read my explorer any more.
I would need a format date string, but Options->Misc allows you only to choose Date or Time or both.
I asked Kyle already for that, but had no success til now ;-).
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