Thread: sort by date?
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Old 02-27-2007, 11:14 PM
Daly de Gagne Daly de Gagne is online now
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Join Date: 01-22-2005
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Originally posted by Ortwin
Date sorting of strings only works when you use a format like
YYMMDD e.g. 070227 or YYYY.MM.DD e.g. 2007.02.27 . This is not so easy to read ;-) but works.

I use UR to track my customer data base and my activities, means my call notes. So I have a folder for call notes and create new ones with Alt-Z. Works great, but since UR takes the standard date format of the OS, I had to change that since it differs from the local date format here in Germany.
No I can hardly read my explorer any more.
I would need a format date string, but Options->Misc allows you only to choose Date or Time or both.
I asked Kyle already for that, but had no success til now ;-).
UR's reliance on system settings is a PITA as far as I am concerned.

It means no flexibility with setting dates, if you want one format for the system, and one or more for various parts of the UR database.

It also means no freedom to set typeface or size in the tree, apart from the size setting allowed by the system. I would prefer a larger type size in the tree, but not for my system.

I'd like to know what the reasoning is behind this reliance on system settings.


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