Thread: Date formatting
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Old 02-28-2007, 12:32 PM
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Re: Date formatting

Originally posted by Ortwin
Besides other things I use UR to track sales activities - I want to collect all related activites for one customer in one place.
One step here is taking call notes: in a special subfolder I want to create an item for every call (phone call, visit, whatever). Title should be the date. In the subfolder notes should be sorted chronologically.

Here it starts: Inserting a new item with ALT-Z works great. But ALT-Z takes the standart windows formatting for a short date. If I take that format (here in Germany DD.MM.YY) i won't get a properly sorted list. Changing that to YY.MM.DD, so that the sorting works, rendered my windows quite unusable: every program which uses a date (like Explorer e.g.) uses the short form and is not readable any more ;-(

Therefor I need the possibility to format the date-string ALT-Z uses in a special way, which means I'd like to have the possibility to define a formatting string of my own in Tools->Options->Miscellaneous.
The names of the items is string variable, the same as is the filename in windows, and as such can be sorted only alphabetically. If you want to get sorted by whatever date format you use, just add the attribute 'date' to your notes (you can also create form), add this attribute to your child view pane, and you can sort it there (it remembers the sorting). This is the same as in windows' explorer menu. I understand that UR could do sorting by attribute directly in tree, but all you need is already there. Moreover, the advantage of having your data as the attribute rather than the string pretending to be a date is that UR does the sanity check (dates are consistent, ie you cannot insert date with 32 days), and you can do date comparisons, ... no matter what format you use now or if you change it for whatever reason later, all will work. The attribute thing and saved searches it the most powerful feature is UR, learn how to use it, and you will see how much you can do ...

Dont try to use string for date (or string for number, or number for date, ...), if there is native data format, that is efficient database management course 101 ;-)
You will get rewarded later, you'll see ...
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