Thread: sort by date?
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Old 02-28-2007, 06:47 PM
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Re: Re: sort by date?

Originally posted by kinook
It's on the list for a future release. For now, the UR way to do this would be to create a custom Advanced search item (in the Search or Data Explorer pane) to find all messages (limited to a particular branch and filtered on date range or other attributes if desired), and then customize the columns and sorting in the Search Results pane. You can also include Lineage and/or Parent Title in the column layout (to include some tree information) if it would be useful.
What about this suggestion (sorry if it was already mentioned somewhere)?
We try to do a workaround for Ortwin's problem, because the item is by default a string, and to represent his item, he doesnt need string data, but date. The question is, why he should use string to describe his items, if he needs date?
In general, what is now "Item Title" should be any recognizable attribute, and if this is an ordered set, then the sorting will be provided. Just like in databases, there is one primary key per table, and it certainly can be sth else than just string.
So on top of "Item Title", I suggest another system attribute:
"Item Attribute" - date, number, string, or any defined attribute (apart from system reserved).
What do you think?
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