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Old 03-06-2007, 11:08 AM
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Question Inheriting Attributes from Parent

Is there any way to make ALL children of a folder "inherit" attributes of the parent?

For example, I've created a custom template based upon the project template, and added a custom attribute called "associated system". I then created a list of values for the"associated system" field that encompass all of the systems I work on (I'm an I.T. guy).

When I receive a new project request, I want to be able to create a new project using the custom template, assign it an "associated system", and then know that all children (and subs) subsequently created under the parent project folder will have the same "associated system" value.

Creating a custom set of templates for each project is not efficient because I work on over 30 systems, and the resulting tree structure I would have to navigate to select - say, a task, would be onerous.

Any ideas? I couldn't see an approach after reading through help...

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