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Old 03-08-2007, 11:48 AM
janrif janrif is offline
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Re: Password protection at InfoItem Level (a workaround)

Originally posted by Leoram
I'm playing with this experiment moved partly by some requests asking for password protection at InfoItem/Node level. See:

1. I created an empty database with UltraRecall.
2. Then I deleted all Template items and all elements I could in it to make my empty database as light as possible.
3. Then I password protected my "light" database and imported it by drag and drop into another database (where I have all my stuffs) as a Template InfoItem. I like the small size of it once imported (in the order of 67kb aprox. -many stored documents are much bigger, and have not tried to make it even smaller).
4. Then I renamed my new Template InfoItem little resident database a meaningful name, say UltraPack. Now I can use it to build any new node/InfoItem based on this template and have password protection at node level.
5. Now I can store/link any info/document into the resident little urd database and have password protection at any level. [snip] Leoram
I think you have to add to this one essential instruction:

The extension 'urd' must one of the extensions in Options | Documents --> extensions that are writeable (see Kinook's post in response to my question on Gen'l Discussion Forum)

The end result of this is a nesting of one 'urd' into another. Each 'locked' item created w the 'locked item template' in the master 'urd' creates a separate nested 'urd' that contains the private info.

Last edited by janrif; 03-08-2007 at 11:53 AM.
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