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Old 03-10-2007, 07:06 AM
srdiamond srdiamond is online now
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Originally posted by kinook
How exactly are you copying and pasting? Are you copying part of the web page, the page's URL, or ? Are you pasting into the UR tree via Ctrl+V or Edit | Paste, or ? Is the tree hoisted? Does the problem occur in a brand new database?
Sorry for the unclarity. I can copy and paste web material into an infoitem. I can paste a web url into the File/Import dialog to have the entire web page entered into a UR tree as an infoitem. What I cannot do is right-click on a web page or selection within one and choose copy to UR. Same thing if I choose copy to UR from the browser's toolbar. That's when I get the previously mentioned error message.

The process is the same as when importing the web page with File/Import, except that the browser is the active application. So the problem would seem to reside in the transition from the browser to UR.
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