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Old 03-10-2007, 07:01 PM
dasymington dasymington is online now
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Join Date: 06-15-2005
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: minor quibble - 1000 item limitation

Originally posted by quant
as a long time user you know that evaluation version has a limitation of 1000 items
I don't! As I am a long time user it's a long time since I had anything to do with an evaluation version of UR. I have no wish to circumvent the copy protection of Kinook's or anyone else's software.

The problem would be overcome if Kinook advised beta users that they would need to make sure they had a valid license for the next upgrade before applying the released version - and ideally the advice should be on the download page. It's that simple! No one is trying to get past the copy protection. Everyone in this thread was quite happy to pay for the upgrade as soon as it was released; they just don't want to be without the use of their UR database. Without such advice, it seems that people with little knowledge of copy protection, like me, will fall foul of the problem reported here.

I think it's really a customer service issue and, as such, something that Kinook is more competent to comment on.
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