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Old 03-10-2007, 10:22 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: minor quibble - 1000 item limitation

Originally posted by dasymington
I don't! As I am a long time user it's a long time since I had anything to do with an evaluation version of UR. I have no wish to circumvent the copy protection of Kinook's or anyone else's software.
hmmm, I see what you mean, but the point I was trying to make was that there has to be some limitation and they in fact shouldn't be public in order for them to be more effective (it's the same like for example the Amazon's search inside feature). So no matter what the limitation of the evaluation version is, the message is that one shouldn't update their version before obtaining the license to use that version, it's that simple (if they want to prevent surprises like you had). I think it's quite obvious. Maybe, that's where we disagree. Would you install your Windows and expect it to work without having valid license for it?
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