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Old 03-15-2007, 11:03 AM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-27-2003
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A reminder does "lead" the begin date/begin time by the amount of time specified in the Reminder attribute.

So if the Begin Date = "3/15/2007" and the Begin Time = "10:00 AM", and the Reminder = 15 minutes, a reminder for the item will be displayed at "3/15/2007 9:45 AM.

This exact point in time can be displayed in the Item Attributes Pane by displaying the optional Pending Reminder attribute - done at Tools | Options | Attributes <tab>), which reflects the actual time of any pending reminders...

Essentially then your request is for Reminders to "lead" either the Begin Date/Begin Time OR the Due Date. Here are some of the considerations (off the top of my head) to do have Ultra Recall function this way:
- if a Begin Date and Due Date are specified, which should be used?
- if the Due Date is used, and a Recurring attribute is also specified, should the Due Date be advanced, no Recurrence occur, or??
- would a Due Time attribute also be necessary to specify an exact time (vs just the Due DATE)?
- the Reminder Dialog would have to become more complicated to reflect whether due to the Begin Date or the Due Date
- etc
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