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Old 03-16-2007, 10:47 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
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Columns in the tree don't seem as useful to me as columns in the Child/Search results pane. In a separate pane, the columns, sorting, sizing, etc. can be customized (and is remembered) for each search or item selected in the tree. There is also more room to display columns without hogging most of the main window area.

If columns were added to the tree, the displayed columns would often only be relevant for some parts of the tree. Perhaps a way could be provided to configure and then automatically change the columns displayed as different items in the tree are selected, but this would be inefficient (since the columns for the entire tree would have to be reloaded when changed), could be confusing to have the tree constantly refreshing/changing, and if several columns were displayed would not leave much room for other panes such as details.

I'm probably missing something, so please describe in detail how columns in the tree could be implemented in a useful way.

Now, I agree that alternative sorting (on different attribute[s] and ascending/descending) of the items in the tree, could be useful, but for now, customized sorting is only available in the Child/Search results (and you can get a tree-like view in that pane by creating a limited search for all children [empty search criteria] and showing the Lineage attribute in a column).
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