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Old 03-19-2007, 10:36 AM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-27-2003
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Currently if you remove the appropriate extension (in your case, you mention .rtf), the related type of linked/stored documents will not be processed for keywords. Note, however, that any attributes assigned to the item (ie. URL) will continue to be "keyworded".

Are the rtf items in question based on the Document template or the Text template? Items based on the [b]Text template (including Appointments & Tasks) currently will always be keyworded, even when .rtf is removed from the "File extensions to keyword" option. Typically these items are not large enough to cause a perceptible delay for the keywording step, but we will likely change this to also honor the presence of .rtf in the above option in future version of Ultra Recall.

One note: Quick Search (and phrase searching) rely on the presence of keywords to function properly. Not keywording items will definitely limit the search capability of Ultra Recall (you can still use the Matches Wildcard operator in an Advanced Search to locate these items).
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