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Old 03-23-2007, 01:04 PM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
Kevina's statement that "you can still use the Matches Wildcard operator in an Advanced Search to locate these items" is not entirely accurate, due to optimizations made to phrase searching in v3. You cannot currently search on Item Text for items that have no keywords (since it first excludes all items that don't have all of the specified keywords). You can search the values of other attributes that have not been keyworded.

In your case, you can locate all text items that have no keywords (perform a search on that, then select all search results) and re-sync (Item | Sync) to keyword the item text of those items and allow phrase searching to work.

Also, in your sample, the space at the end of the search phrase will prevent a match, since the actual phrase doesn't end with a space (but rather a hyphen). In the search, either remove the space or replace with a hyphen.

We'll investigate providing a way to perform an unoptimized phrase search so that the Item Text of non-keyworded items can be searched.
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