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Old 03-28-2007, 06:00 PM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-27-2003
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Issue #1 is due to a limitation of the Windows File Open dialog, which you can verify by seeing that only the actually imported files are displayed (the limitation is actually based on the string length of the concatenated filenames) in the Import Wizard after the "Select Files for Import" dialog is closed...

Issue #2 & 4: we can't reproduce these two related issues, can you reproduce this with a small test .urd file and some test files and folders? If so, please zip and forward (the zipped .urd file and folder structure) to for our analysis. Also include a regedit export of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Kinook Software\Ultra Recall\Options.

Issue #3: I suspect that this might be due to a conflict between your anti-virus software and Ultra Recall. May I ask what A/V software (or related type applications) you are using?
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