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Old 02-03-2004, 06:14 AM
lysaghtn lysaghtn is online now
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Join Date: 02-03-2004
Posts: 3
Problem adding files to Sourcesafe

Hi folks,

I'm having some trouble adding files to SourceSafe when I get files to a location different than my working directory.

We have a build process that checks-out files to a build folder. We then compile all projects and at the end we have a set of compatible COM Dll's we want to automatically add into Sourcesafe.

There does not appear to be any option to specify the SS project to add files to when using "ss.exe Add". It always assumes to put them in the "Current Project".

I've looked in SS help, VBP help and the forums here and can't seem to figure out a solution.

Can anyone out there point me in the right direction.

Kind Regards
Noel Lysaght
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