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Old 04-03-2007, 09:17 AM
jjinwi jjinwi is online now
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Posts: 37
Originally posted by kevina
The "viewers" which are demonstrated in the Outlook.urd sample are provided by Microsoft and are not full featured - they are mostly "viewers" not editors (although some do allow some editing)...

When you drag items from these viewers, an appropriate format on the clipboard is not available, which prevents Ultra Recall from handling the "drop" action - hence the "unexpected error" message (which could be more clear).
Thanks for the info!!!!

Do you think this feature will be added to UR???

I think it would be a great feature to use the Outlook viewer and drag & drop outlook items into the UR tree.

For example, I have a big project. I would use this feature to link emails, appointments, contacts... together with my content in UR.

What say you???

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