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Old 04-05-2007, 08:25 AM
pawe pawe is online now
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Join Date: 12-27-2006
Posts: 40
Future Development

UR is customizable and logically structured like - say - really not many other programs. On the other hand (well, I don't konw, but I think) it attracts a narrowly selected species of power users, as do many other PIMs and document management systems.

I don't know where the development is heading at the time, but I think, amongst all special and strange new suggestion, everything polishing UR for a wider public is good. As stability for future development is some kind of knockout criterium for a document management system - and even kinook will not develop just for a handful of enthusiastic power users only?!

I am thinking about:
- Language support (as german, just for example :-))
- Some kind of easy/pro user interface switch (Easy mode with restrictions to changing layouts and forms etc., for 'daily use' or when sharing databases.
- Interface polishing (look/feel/logic): make all Keyboard Shortcuts 'Buttonizable' and vice versa, make forms (field sizes) adjustable (more readable)
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