Originally posted by epaalx
I have absolutely no need for using UR for contact or appointments.. Neither do I want my document heirarchy (or, in UR terms, Data Explorer pane) polluted by Template, Imported Items or Recycle bin... Is it possible to get rid of these items in the tree?
Btw, here's an idea, it'll show you how just versatile UR is

Create "My Home" (or whatever) directory as a child of the root directory and move all your "non system" directories inside. Then do just Hoist on "My Home" directory, and the system directories are gone
Kinook, what about this?
Add another system attribute "Hidden (Yes,No)" for all items apart from the root item, "no" by default. Root item would have another attribute: "Show hidden" with obvious meaning ...
While we're at it, I'd welcome another system attribute: "Read Only" (this I wanted to ask long time ago, items with Read Only attribute cannot be edited or deleted by moving to Recycle Bin)