Search anomoly
I am using UR pro on Windows XP SP2.
I was quick searching for one word - why. That is the word - why (please let's not turn this into an Abbott and Cosello routine). The results displayed all of the items in my database. I was curious, so I examined a sample of the items to discover that not one contained the word. Thinking this through, I guessed that these words are in the exluded keywords list. An examination of this list and testing of searches with other words on this list indicates my presumption is correct. Furthermore, any combination of these words produce the same result. Hence, I cannot search for discreet items containing the words who and what and when and where and why.
Why should these words trigger false hits of the entire database? If I want to search for any or all of these words, ideally I would expect accurate hits. If this is not possible, I would expect a dialogue indicating that I have chosen to search for words that are not indexed AND display no hits.
Any opinions?