Originally posted by quant
I use UR to organize my research. I ported my whole library of articles/books/ ... into UR, where I'm able to use citations links, extracts, links to pdfs ...
The calendar feature could be better, but hopefully kinook will work on it ;-)
Apart from that, it's excellent, ... however I won't share my strategy ... why not? 
I tried to use mindmanager and thebrain, but it lacked many features which I required. I'm still looking for some kind of "ming mapping" soft, but haven't decided for any. The UR would do, if the data explorer pane could have different view, ie. not the familiar tree structure, but more like a (auto-rearranging) map, sth like www.connectedtext.com
It seems soo interesting... now you made me curious.
oh, well! You know, I am almost ready to beg but I respect your desire of keep it for yourself. Maybe, one day you change your mind and post something like "UltraRecall research strategy" and give some ideas of UR usage without reveal your "little secret".
Regarding Mindmanager, I used it to brainstorm my essays, outline, summarize articles, and organize my projects in a mastermap. This works very well for me.
I bought a copy of PersonalBrain V.4 last week, but I still could not find a way to fit it in my Academic routine. PB4 requires a more structured line of thought when setting it up, which I do not have yet. My plan is to add all the "strong" Quotations that I extract from research articles and work on the relationships from there. Let's see.