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Old 05-17-2007, 09:27 PM
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Originally posted by cnewtonne
If you simply link, then why do you have to synchronize. I created an item of document type and pointed its URL to a .doc file. Selecting it later, shows 'open linked document'. Are you sure you are linking vs. storing content in UR?
Well - actually - I'm doing both - linking AND storing.
I commented that "I have plenty of disk space available". The implication being that I'm happy to keep two copies of the same document.

Basically I'm putting UR through its paces regarding file storage. If it doesn't work to expectations - all my documents are still stored under NTFS. If it does work to expectations, my UR database is ready to go. Well almost - I will for example clear the URL property value for all relevant documents. (Which of course is soooo easy in UR!)
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